Shilpa Ananth Personalizes the Nature of and Desire For Power on Art Pop Song “The Search (feat. Riatsu)”

Shilpa Ananth, photo courtesy the artist

Shilpa Ananth examines the nature of power and the making of it and seeking it out on “The Search (featuring Riatsu).” A percussive synth melody frames the song as she sings lines exploring the pursuit of power on a personal basis beyond immediate experiences and what she might do with that power and if she’s worthy of the journey in taking on power and its responsibilities. She mentions the concept of reincarnation and having lived many lives though one might take that in the symbolic sense as all of us live multiple lives in one lifetime if we have lived a path of growth and often when we don’t consciously do so because the nature of living is working through change. And in that idea is the implication of what we learn and the thoughts that come out of what we think we know and how our inherent shortcomings as mortal beings should give us pause in seeking power without understanding it and how it can be used and abused and how even possessing various kinds can change a person whose character is not suitable to a proper use of power and prestige. The video treatment directed by Suruchi Sharma is reminiscent of early Kate Bush music videos in the use of symbols and repetition including a large wire frame of a person reminiscent of The Wicker Man and its own symbolic resonances for the use and abuse of power and the seeking thereof. And that visual sense parallels the art pop sensibilities of the song and how its emotional colorings contain nuances of meaning reflected in its especially through-provoking lyrics. Watch the video for “The Search” on YouTube and connect with Shilpa Ananth at the links below.

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