Daisy Chapman’s Orchestral “Porcelain” Powerfully Reconciles Tragedy and Joy

Daisy Chapman, photo courtesy the artist

Daisy Chapman (Crippled Black Phoenix, Venus Principle) reconciles the tragedy of loss and the celebration of a new life on “Porcelain.” The title invokes a fragility, delicacy and perfection that is the nature of life at all times. Chapman’s vocals are vulnerable and immediate in delivering vivid imagery of a time spent in a hospital for the passing of a family member and simultaneously and coincidentally when a friend had recently given birth. The piano work paired with cello and viola lends the song a deeply evocative orchestral tone that is both somber and hopeful, its a contrast that elevates the song beyond a merely well-crafted pop song in the vein of the better work of an Aimee Mann or a Sam Beam and with a similar gravity buoyed by a masterful melodicism. Listen to “Porcelain” on Spotify or on Bandcamp linked below.