Valerie Warntz Sheds Culturally Internalized Notions of Love and Relationships on “The One I’ll Never Find”

Valerie Warntz, photo courtesy the artist

Valerie Warntz has written a song for everyone who is new to the realization that what we’ve been conditioned to want out of a relationship sets us up for a lifetime of disappointment and hurt feelings. Calling the song “The One I’ll Never Find” is more than a clue. But the song is not the typical creative melodrama one might expect in a pop song. Warntz strips back the psyche a bit more and instead of merely pointing the finger she takes some responsibility for being in a place in her mind where she succumbs to these internalized narratives that seems at the root of so many relationship issues and the way people often behave in relationships in the end and maybe themselves treat intimate relationships like a transactional affair. The songwriter doesn’t offer any easy answers because there aren’t any, just a portrait of hurt and realization that goes beyond the kind of song people often write to get over a break-up or break-ups. It’s a nuanced yet raw examination of the human condition. Musically, Warntz’s expressive vocals give emotionally direct while the background synth line have an expansive quality as though expressing that transformative moment when you realize the way you’ve been doing things, the way you’ve been, no longer serves you, even if you don’t yet know what will. Listen to “The One I’ll Never Find” on Soundcloud and connect with Valerie Warntz at the links provided. Her new EP Emotions & Sentiments, which includes this song, was released on May 8, 2020.