Crystal Canyon’s Tenderly Melancholic “Sierra” is a Shoegaze Tribute to the Late, Great Julee Cruise

Crystal Canyon, photo courtesy the artists

“Sierra” is Crystal Canyon’s tribute to Julee Cruise “which guitarist/vocalist Lynda Mandolyn says is, ‘me having a conversation with her spirit, dreamlike.’” And the song’s drifting and hazy atmospheres and processional pace with guitar sounds trailing off like an early morning fog in the sunrise. The drum accents hit perfectly to punctuate the paces and Mandolyn’s introspective vocals relate late night meditations on heartache and heartbreak and processing the flood of feelings in a way that won’t hit as hard even if they hit deeply. The way the song gently unfolds and repeats the themes with a hypnotic quality will appeal to fans of Slowdive’s unorthodox crafting of melody and mood as well. Listen to “Sierra” on YouTube and follow Portland, Maine’s Crystal Canyon at the links below. The group’s new album Stars and Distant Light was released November 3, 2023 on streaming, download and vinyl.

Crystal Canyon on Instagram

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.