Helado Negro’s “I Fell In Love,” featuring Xenia Rubinos, is Like a Voice Mail From Your Subconscious Reminding You That in Even the Worst Times There’s Always Something to Uplift Your Spirits

Helado Negro “I Feel Fine” cover

Helado Negro’s new single “I Fell In Love” features the melodious vocals of Xenia Rubinos and its cool colored tone keyboard work and layered, echoing percussion puts the voices of both singers to the forefront. It’s comes across like a chillwave “Avalon” by Roxy Music in pacing and sentiment. Like the latter, “I Fell In Love” is an unabashed, joyously celebratory love song but one expressed with an elegance, style and sincerity that moves you because it is able to be subtle and gentle in its execution without compromising the strength of feeling. In a time of great flux the song is like a voice message from the future reminding you that even in the worst of times that there are things in life that uplift your spirits whether that is the love of another person or love of yourself. Listen to “I Fell In Love” on Soundcloud.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.