Port Lucian Speaks to the Uncertainties and Mixed Emotions of Modern Relationships and the Way Technology Has Complicated Them “Full Control?”

Port Lucian “Full Control?” cover

On the song “Full Control?” Port Lucian ponders the uncertainties and wash of mixed emotions in a relationship with someone where there’s a not small amount of time spent far apart. If not a long distance relationship, one in which the people involved use modern technology to stay connected. And we know that such supposed conveniences don’t quite suffice for in person connection the way social media is showing to be a poor substitute for being able to talk to someone and gauging nuances and basic human communication that doesn’t translate well to a website or even a text. The vocals float along luminously in a flow of tones like a dreamlike pace, bright, distorted synth melodies giving expression to an underlying desire to keep the relationship going but having misgivings with how it is currently maintained. Referencing concepts like being “AFK” and having a “3 by 6 silhouette” the song eloquently to the things we take for granted and accept that turn aspects of our lives that should be visceral and vital into something more abstract making it easier to dissociate from a physically human context. Nevertheless, the song evokes the a sense of longing and hoping for a better future wherein one doesn’t have to settle for what can come to seem a virtual relationship. The title of the song “Full Control?” questions whether people in such a situation as described in the song can have any control over the circumstances of the relationship when so much of it is contingent of necessity due to the distances involved as when you don’t have that immediate feedback and touch it can feel out of everyone’s control. Listen to “Full Control?” on Soundcloud and connect with Port Lucian at the links provided.


Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.