Mazoulew and Bonnie Wylde Soothe the Wounded Heart Now Free of a Cycle of Abuse on “Circles”

Mazoulew “Circles” cover

Mazoulew reveals a gift for putting you into a reflective mood with his single “Circles.” It begins with the sort of downtempo techno beat maybe you’ve heard before but it quickly but smoothly pulls you into a hazy emotional space with Bonnie Wylde’s vocals singing a tale of heartbreak and healing, soulfully expressing being in a place of sensitivity and vulnerability and embracing that rather than hardening one’s heart in the end. The fluttering whorls of tone convey the impression of travel, in fact a trying journey of the heart where you seem to go round and round with the same hurtful experiences with a partner who wants to carve their abuse into you in a way that is supposed to feel like love and devotion but before those scars set in your find yourself able to break free of their grip on your psyche with the gaslighting and on to better things. The gentle but strong spirits and currents of the song sound like something designed to help you get through that dark early period of personal liberation. Listen to “Circles” on Soundcloud and connect with Mazoulew at the links provided.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.