As Winter Takes Hold, “Katie, my Queen” by Cold, cold heart is the Soundtrack to the Season’s Tranquil Contemplation Dreams for Future Fulfillment

Cold, cold heart, image courtesy the artists

Cold, cold heart weaves together piano, cello and modular synth to craft “Katie, my Queen” as if from frosty, blizzard winds and the night time fogs of deep winter. It feels like looking out into the forbidding weather from a place of warmth and comfort and instead of finding despair atthe obvious limitations it will impose, it engenders a reflective mood born of having the luxury of being able to wait out the worst and the spirit to enjoy the moment and take in the imposed tranquility and inactivity to fuel dreams and plans for the time when the natural world will support carrying them out. Piano and cello sketch out this dream territory and the broad vista drone of synths are like the winds that stir them to life through winter’s hibernation, contemplation and plotting and into the warmer weather of execution. Composed by English musicians Chris Daniel, Robert Manning, Gareth Jones and Alex Wilson, “Katie, my Queen” was passed for post-production work to mixing and mastering engineer Francesco Donadello who is most well known for his work on ambient and post-rock music with the likes of A Winged Victory for the Sullen, Michael Price and Eluvium. The results are a thoroughly evocative and captivating listen. Witness the results for yourself on Soundcloud.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.