The Reckless and Angular Dynamic of NARUKORESPUSINN’s “YASI” Takes You to New Territories of the Gloriously Weird in Post-punk

NARUKOPRESINN, photo courtesy the artists

NARUKORESPUSINN fool you in the beginning of “YASI” with a slightly off kilter but urgent saxophone line before guitar comes in at an even stranger angle that seems out of tune but makes sense on its own. The frantic vocals stretch the sonic palette of the song in yet another dimension for an over effect like a song that relentlessly borrows ideas from broadly disparate sources. The angular yet reckless dynamic is reminiscent of The Pop Group teaming up with The Contortions. That toward the end of the song the group uses an odd organ sound to accent the melodic line before launching into hyperkinetic guitar work preceding an outro that wonderfully returns to where the song started but almost as if to punctuate that this song and this band is not going to fit in with the program and you’re better for having listened to a song like it. Contemporaneously the group should be playing shows with the likes of Lithics and Old Time Relijun but for now you probably won’t get to see them out of Taiwan and Japan. But the very existence of this band in Japan gives one hope for the world. Listen to “YASI” on Soundcloud and follow NARUKOREPUSINN at the links provided.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.