“Golden Hour” is the Downtempo Jazz Chillout Track Extraordinaire from Tieran’s Dreamy New Album Sunday

Tieran, photo courtesy the artist

Columbus-based rapper and producer Tieran recently released his album Sunday. The warm tones and hazy drones framed with nearly meditative percussion and minimal guitar is like a twenty-first century, sample-based bit of library music composition. The titles of other tracks on the record like “TV,” “Wonder,” “Raindrops,” “Daydream,” “Video Games,” “Reminisce” and “Sleep” suggest music written for gloomy midwestern months where every day seems to tick by and to get through it you find a way to turn the doldrums into not desperation but contemplative art through a productive outlet and companion music to more chill, quiet activities when rain and snow keep make getting out and maybe getting into trouble seem like more of a hassle than it’s worth. Though Columbus is likely undergoing the same process of gentrification of any city of size these days, it also seems to be a place where urban decay still exists and where you can still project your dreams into spaces, emotional and otherwise, and have them manifest and be accepted and even embraced. That’s the vibe of the single “Golden Hour” and of Sunday generally. Clearly a sonic descendant of the likes of Boards of Canada, Dilla and cLOUDDEAD, Tieran’s Sunday stimulates the same places in the brain as the aforementioned. Listen below and follow Tieran at the links provided.


Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.