Daniel Trakell’s “Waves” is a Moody and Melancholic Folk Song About the Pains of Loving Someone With Inveterate Wanderlust

Daniel Trakell, photo courtesy the artist

Daniel Trakell imbues “Waves” with a spirit of deep introspection and gentle rhythms and textures. His breathy vocals and the shimmery lap steel draw you in to a story about two people who were once close and parted ways because one person is still struggling with their inner demons years later and yet the metaphor of an ocean that washes random and not so random things on shore and provides a global path taken by a wide variety of travelers who may not even mean to return to their old hangouts. We hear a pained acceptance in Trakell’s voice as he creates the portrait of a person who seems to always be on the run in a futile attempt to escape their troubles embedded deep in their psyche rather than face them and reconnect with those that love them in an authentic and enduring way. But for some people this doesn’t happen and they come in and out of your life whether physically and/or emotionally and you try to value your time with them even when their going away always seems to elicit a wave of sadness. It’s a folk song with immersive moods and its haunted melodies linger with you long after the song has ended. Listen to “:Waves” on Spotify and follow Daniel Trakell at the links below. His new album Into the Blue arrived on November 24, 2023.

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