“Still Waters (Run Deep)” by Accidental Allies Fuses Trance and IDM For a Dynamic Chillout Track

Accidental Allies, photo courtesy the artists

The Accidental Allies track “Still Waters (Run Deep)” sits in your mind like an overlapping memory of early 90s trance and IDM. Like if Paul Oakenfold teamed up with Autechre or Future Sound of London to make something chill but with some texture to keep the song grounded. A sound like a bell being gently and insistently struck starts the teack off as a spiraling, echoing tone slowly manifests in the foreground and fades, coming back in throughout the song as tightly rhythmic sequences push the song along like echoing arpeggios. The pace remains the same and thus perhaps explaining part of the title of the song as the movement of the piece takes place deeper in the mix so that the overall impression is a tranquil, peaceful song with a great deal of dynamism in its paces. Listen to “Still Waters (Run Deep)” on Soundcloud and follow Accidental Allies at the links provided.
