The Beautifully Dark and Eclectic Black Metal Free Jazz of Mamaleek’s “Vileness Slim” is a Poignant Statement on the Corrosive Neglect of American Capitalism

If Mamaleek is referencing The Residents’ Whatever Happened to Vileness Fats? in the title to “Vileness Slim” it has to be considered one of the most adroit allusions in music of late. But the resemblance doesn’t stop there. Not only are the members of the band anonymous, The Mamaleek song lopes along with a dark atmospheric sense of menace and vocals reminiscent of some of what The Residents were doing during the aforementioned period as well. But the black metal noise jazz rock electronic band from San Francisco is making a statement about life in America when you’re living on the edge of society. The music video for the song makes this explicit. The song speaks to the neglect baked into American capitalism and its corrosive effects landing squarely on the disadvantaged. Chanting vocals in the song bring a haunting elegance to what is otherwise a beautifully broken and noisy free jazz-esque free form composition and with the raspy vocals doling out sage observations on the state of things, later articulating the disgust and outrage in distorted cries that swim in darkly melodic riffs and slow-chiming arpeggios. It is simultaneously one of the band’s most accessible and challenging songs in its long and fascinating career as one of the choice experimental acts in the American underground. If you’re a fan of The Residents, Chat Pile and Oxbow you will truly appreciate the deeply subversive songwriting and sentiments of this song. Watch the video for “Vileness Slim” on YouTube. The group’s new album Vida Blue releases August 9, 2024 via The Flenser on vinyl, CD, dgitial download and streaming.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.