Marella’s Nostalgic “Dancing In Parking Lots” Celebrates Those Magical Moments in Youth That Stay With You For a Lifetime

Marella, photo courtesy the artist

“Dancing In Parking Lots” by Marella refers to a time the songwriter looks back on fondly when you’re in high school and old enough to feel the future out of high school approaching but at which it’s probably felt like forever that you’ve been there and you’re reveling with your friends in celebration of some kind of victory and feeling that sense of freedom. But the song also refers to first meeting someone he would fall in love with. Both experiences are way stations in life that are significant in the moment and after which things won’t be quite the same again once life takes you beyond that specific time but flashing back to those experiences you can capture for yourself memories of when things seemed for just a little while a little brighter and more magical. Friendships change when people go to college, move away or get jobs after high school and your bonds born of having to be in the same place almost everyday, your romantic notions face being involved with an actual human being and you change too the same way everyone else does. But there’s no denying the times in our lives that Marella celebrates so evocatively on this song. Musically it’s reminiscent of late 90s pop punk and, in the guitar and rhythm, of The Clean. Perhaps because Marella is a drummer the rhythms are so tight, creative and dynamic but whatever the reason, “Dancing In Parking Lots” manages to be a nostalgic summer time anthem without being overly sentimental. Listen to the song on Soundcloud and follow Marella at his Instagram account linked below.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.