Swim Deep Transmutes Helsinki Lambda Club’s Indie Pop Single “Good News Is Bad News” Into Existential Slowcore Gold With New Remix

Helsinki Lambda Club, photo courtesy the artists

Swim Deep did us all a favor taking the upbeat, Strokes-esque song “Good News Is Bad News” hit song by Japanese pop band Helsinki Lambda Club and finding all the moody, downbeat, introspective possibilities to put forward in the remix. Instead of the admittedly thoughtful indie pop of the 2020 original this one shimmers in slowcore style with long echoing guitar and vocals sounding lost in a fog of reflective moments lingering long in a state of existential uncertainty caught somewhere between romantic feelings, yearning and doubt. It is Galaxie 500-esque in its establishment of gossamer sonic textures and pastoral moods and a fully-realized re-imagining of a song into something new. Listen to Swim Deep’s remix of Helsinki Lambda Club’s “Good News Is Bad News” on Spotify and follow Helsinki Lambda Club at the links provided.

Helsinki Lambda Club on Apple Music

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Helsinki Lambda Club on YouTube

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.