Martina Berther Explores the Wide Extent of the Sonic Possibilities of Bass Tone, Texture and Rhythm on the Haunted “Obertone”

Martina Bether, photo by Alexandra Baumgartner-Kopie

Martina Berther’s voicings on “Obertone” between the plucking of the bass and the background drone establish a haunted sense of unease and anticipation. The song has movements and it opens up in the second half but that enhances a sense that there is a hidden presence suggested in the mood of the song. As the title suggests Berther works in layered overtones with a hypnotic steady pace. It’s reminiscent of something from Brian Eno’s 1982 album Ambient 4: On Land. One can feel the texture of the plucked/struck bass notes contrasting with the ghostly overtone and that lends the track a physicality beyond the spectral moods like something from a transitional scene in a Jim Jarmusch film. Listen to “Obertone” on Soundcloud and follow the Swiss composer and musician at the links below. The song is from Berther’s sonically inventive and exploratory debut solo album Bass Works: As I Venture Into which became available April 5, 2024 on vinyl, digital download and streaming.

Author: simianthinker

Editor, primary content provider for this blog. Former contributor to Westword and The Onion.